Crystal Clear Banners


Crystal Clear Banners (CCB) is a series of 7 Banners airdropped to CCCompanion Szn 1 holders. The series is designed to fit as both Twitter and Discord banners. These Banners were a free gift for CCCompanions holders on Avalanche.

These 7 banners were given out via snapshots & airdrops over the month of July, 2023.

Each of the 7 banners airdropped to CCCompanion holders has a limited supply. Banners have an 8% royalty fee attached to every secondary sale. 90% of royalties for the Banners go to CCC holders via the Royalty Share mechanism.

Receiving CCB airdrops is dependent on the traits of CCCompanions held. We will call the traits that qualify users for airdrops the “airdrop traits”. The number of Banners a holder receives is dependent on the number of CCCompanions held with the airdrop trait.

Banners award holders with an allowlist spot for the Szn 3 free mint of CCCompanions on Telos. Holders will earn more allowlist spots for holding more CCB in the series .  Holding all 7 gives holders the most allowlist spots.

Collecting different CCBs gives different amounts of allowlists. Holding specific combinations of banners gives additional bonuses. The breakdown for banners, combos, and allowlist spots awarded can be found below:

If holders have multiple banners, there is a benefit. There are additional allowlist spots awarded for certain combinations of banners. The exact amount of bonus allowlist spots holders can earn can be found below:

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